Openstack Public cloud – Flexible Engine
F5 – BIG-IP platform as an evolution of Application Delivery Controler (EDC)
F5 will allow you to inspect and encrypt all the traffic passing through your network.
The solution includes features of Load Balancing, Application Firewall and Proxy.
- Version: F5-BIG-VE-BR-5G-V13-LIC
- Sold by: F5
- Category: Security, Network Infrastructure
- Deployment method: public and private image. Manual or API deployment
Key features
BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM)
Intelligent traffic management solution, including security, acceleration and optimization of the latter.
Redirects users to the best performing Datacenter for the used application. Secures your infrastructure and helps ensure the availability of an application in case of high level of requests and denial of service (DDoS) attacks
BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM)
Consolide la gestion des contrôles d’accès utilisateurs aux applications.
Secure Web Gateway Services
Allows you to create and administer your web access policies. Identifies and blocks threats from the internet.
BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM)
Enables you to deploy Web Application Firewall (WAF) services on the same environment as your applications to protect them wherever they are hosted.
BIG –IP Advanced Firewall Manager (AFM)
Protects your applications from DDoS attacks.
BIG-IP Link Controller
Manages the distribution links of incoming and outgoing traffic to ensure their performance and resilience.
F5 BIG IP is available in Bring You Own License (BYOL) mode to allow you to choose the features and level of support that you need.
L’applicatThe application can be installed on a wide range of Flexible Engine instances based on expected performance.
The solution works with the proprietary TMOS OS that allows optimal operation of the solution. TMOS allows you to manage the network acceleration, security, and availability your applications require. The solution is accessible through many APIs.
Learn moreDeployment
To mount a BIG IP image on your Flexible Engine environment:
1. Connect to your environment
2. Select Elastic Cloud Server
3. Click on Create ECS, then select a minimum specification of 2vCPU and 4GB of RAM
4. When selecting image, select “Public Image”, filter to “Other” and choose image F5 BIGIP 13.01.v10
BIG IP support is provided by F5. Specific support levels can be purchased from F5.
F5 is responsible for the operation and performance of the BIG IP image.